The project “Sharing Best Practices in Holocaust and War Crimes Remembrance” intends to intensify and deepen expertise and dialogue on Holocaust and war crimes remembrance. The countries of former Yugoslavia are today facing numerous challenges in an attempt to deal with the legacy of World War II, and the most recent wars of the 1990s where more then 130.000 have been killed or are still missing.
The project will provide supportive environment for dialogue to participants and institutions working in different fields, such as: history, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, journalism, political sciences, arts, civil society activism, and museology.
During this project, we will organize two schools on commemorative culture with the aim to provide a unique platform for sharing and exchanging ideas and experience on educational and research activities related to the practices of remembrance of victims of mass crimes. In addition, we will organize study visits to sites of memory, at which thousands of innocent victims were killed during the fascist regime that was set up in Croatia in the 1941 to 1945 period, as well as to sites related to the war of the 1990s.
This project is implemented in partnership with the Institute for Applied History, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.